Community Health & Health Behavior Academic Excellence Fund - Outstanding Doctoral Achievement Award

The CHHB Outstanding Doctoral Achievement Award is presented to the PhD student in the Department of Community Health and Health Behavior who shows great potential for future research and/or practice contributions to the field of public health. Students are judged on academic success and the quality of their contributions in research, teaching and service. This award is given annually to one PhD student in the Department of Community Health and Health Behavior who has passed their comprehensive exams.

Students must be in good academic standing (e.g., GPA above a 3.0, no academic/integrity related issues, etc.) to be eligible.

School of Public Health & Health Professions, School of Public Health & Health Professions - Community Health & Health Behavior
Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit a statement of your current academic as well as nonacademic accomplishments to date. This may include information about presentations, publications, volunteer experiences, employment, previous awards, and any other information you may consider important to share with the Selection Committee. In the statement, please succinctly state why your accomplishments demonstrate "great potential for future research and/or practice contributions to the field of public health."
  2. Please tell us more about your involvement in the Department of Community Health and Health Behavior. For example, what CHHB lectures or events have you attended?
  3. Are you currently a PhD student in the Department of Community Health and Health Behavior?