Roberta Stevens, MLS '74, BA '70, and George Stevens

Roberta Stevens, MLS '74, BA '70, and George Stevens

In 2014, Roberta Stevens, MLS ’74, BA ’70, and her husband, George Stevens, established the Roberta and George Stevens International Educational Experiences Fund to support experiential learning opportunities, especially related to studying abroad, for students who are US citizens or permanent residents enrolled in the UB College of Arts and Sciences.

Roberta Stevens, a former president of the American Library Association, recently retired as an outreach officer at the Library of Congress where she served in various posts for 25 years. George Stevens works for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As inveterate world travelers, they believe that experiencing other countries firsthand is the most direct route to fully understanding one’s place in the world. The goal of the fund is to allow students to broaden their educational experiences and enrich their career opportunities by immersing themselves in different cultures and broadening their perspectives through study outside of the United States.