Peter F. Olnowich, Jr., BS '85

Peter F. Olnowich, Jr., BS '85

Peter came to the University at Buffalo as a fun loving, gregarious, outgoing student who was always looking for a reason to socialize. He was a fiercely loyal friend with a wonderfully wry sense of humor. These qualities led to him to become a founding father of the UB chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, whose mantra is “Many Hands, One Heart.”.

After starting in engineering, Peter focused his studies on business and dreamed of a career in finance. Peter had a very strong intellect and intellectual curiosity, as well as a near perfect photographic memory. His blend of determination, confidence and competency enabled him to land a job on Wall Street, where he rose from a back-office operations role to a mergers and acquisition executive at a leading investment bank.

This scholarship was started by Peter’s friends and fraternity brothers after his death to honor his friendship and provide students with similar passions to Peter’s the opportunity to follow their dreams.