Michelle Layer Rahal, ME '93

Michelle Layer Rahal, ME '93

Mrs. Michelle Layer Rahal’s philanthropic goal is to support individuals like herself who changed careers to go into education while working full-time. Throughout her career in education, Michelle held multiple positions within the K-12 system in the Fairfax and Arlington (Virginia) school districts. She also worked as a consultant on various contracts with the Virginia Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education. Michelle is active in her church community, serving as Youth and Family Ministry Director, a spiritual formation leader and a worship leader. Her indie-award winning book, Straining Forward: One Woman’s Journey from Oppression to Redemption in the Wake of the Vietnam War, was published in 2018 and is currently being adapted into a screenplay by Travis Payne Productions. While writing her second book, Michelle now works as a writing coach and publishes a monthly newsletter and blog, A Glimpse of Holy. You can find her at www.MichelleLayerRahal.com.
