Frank J. Puskar, BS ’79, and Mary F. Puskar

Frank J. Puskar, BS ’79, and Mary F. Puskar

Frank J. Puskar, BS ’79 is the founder of Energo Engineering, a KBR subsidiary located in Houston, Texas, providing advanced structural engineering for the offshore platform oil and gas industry. He is an expert on the design of platforms for extreme loads including hurricanes and earthquakes. He has participated in the assessment of offshore platforms worldwide including locations in the Gulf of Mexico, California, Alaska, North Sea, Russian Arctic, Brazil and West Africa. He has served as chairman of the American Petroleum Institute resource group for design of platforms in earthquake regions.

In addition to his UB degree in civil engineering, he has a Master of Engineering degree from UC Berkeley. Frank has served as Chairman for the UB Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Advisory Board and he is also an emeritus member of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council.

Frank and his wife, Mary, established this fund in 2013 to award graduate scholarships to students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds within the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering.